Mass Made Media is Massachusetts newest independent Hip Hop label.

Established 2021

Meet The Founder

Shawn Mics, a south shore bred artist himself, had the vision of breaking down the stereotypes of what it is to be a hip hop label. “The idea of being your true self and not chasing the fads of the industry is what brought me to the decision of creating a home for like minded artists like myself.” His idea behind this is no longer about chasing record companies in New York, Los Angeles or Atlanta but instead create one in his own back yard. “For years we needed the support of majors to equal success, but not anymore. We here at Mass Made are “by an artist, for the artist.”

Newest Releases


Easty The Muscle ‘29 Days From Yesterday’ is Coming Soon

Shawn Mics ‘The Little Things’ Album available 04/18/22. Pre Order now!